Hey everybody,
I noticed yesterday our beautiful eGulden does not have a discussion topic on bitcointalk yet, so I thought I better make one. I want to let everybody know what eGulden ƒoundation has achieved in almost 1 year and better yet, what is still to come. To make sure people don't misunderstand, it's about this coin
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=843017.0Before I start talking about how great eGulden really is, let me give a short introduction about me, so you'll understand better why I do what I do.
I'm a 28 year old guy who was born without any trouble whatsoever. My country, the Netherlands, has shit quite well taken care of for it's citizens, so I can praise myself a lucky bastard. After elementary school I started hanging with the cool kids and smoked my first ganja. I studied to become a controller and was in lift off to the moon when I audited quite a big group of McDonalds restaurants as an external accountant (assistent because I was still studying). After Dutch Sandwich number X I started thinking about where all that money actually came from. I'm still not sure if I should be happy about that, but it happened and for the next years I've been educating mytself on monetary history. After I found out that my name is a contract with the Vatican and all money is based on debt that we have to pay off towards our God, I felt so cheated that I've been doing my utmost best to explain such complicated information, because I have the feeling everybody has the right to be informed properly.
That behind us, here we GO!
On thursday 3th of july 2014 the official act passed the notary which made the existence of our ƒoudation a fact. See a link to the act here
https://mega.co.nz/#!TIlDSSyC!Gk0AtvnHJBTnCST2nL2alPrnPk77Q5cOrEpPYOtovO8Putting everything on paper was easy, now came the part of getting to know eachother. As we were all new to eachother and living in different areas it was quite difficult to see each other on a regular basis. We all had our tasks so we could work autonomously and in case of need we could always use skype or call eachother.
I believed things started rolling when my resource based banking system (
http://www.tbrabantskwartiertje.info/indexenglish.html ) got invited to present itself at the so called "partner-parade" of my province, this was a new initiative by the government to come in contact with new ways of thinking. This was on 18th september 2014. Unfortunately it did not really have a follow up, but Bitwise and me had our own stand and where able to represent eGulden to all the participants. Here you can see a picture of the opening ceremony
http://imgur.com/GrsRy1F , if you look closely you can see me in the end of the first line, my posture might look a bit strange, but it's because I'm in a neckbrace after I had a car accident. The guy with the microphone is a deputee of the state (I'm not sure if that last part was translated properly, let's just say he's a politician)
Our next happening was the GVDT (Money of the Future) event in Rotterdam. Again bitwise and me weere representing our coin, this time by handing out vouchers with 25 EFL to all participants. I bought myself a book of Willem Middelkoop and had a great day, we shook a lot of hands! By the way, earlybird tickets of this year's event are available here: reinvent.money/#tickets
To keep this short list in chronological order, the next event was our blockreward halving and the release of a new wallet, this all happened in november of last year and was about the same time when the devteam launched the merchant tool, but I am not the one to talk about that, because I lack knowledge on this subject. For me, the most important thing about the wallet was the name we gave it, Christiaan Huygens, search that on wikipedia if you've got some spare time Smiley
In January of this year we were invited to present ourselves during bitcoin wednesday in Amsterdam, unfortunately I can not find any content of that day, but it was the first time we presented our new wallet idea and showed the first functionality our new team created, you can find it here: spaarplan.egulden.org
In the meantime the team I spoke about changed to some extent, from the original founders only 1 out of 3 is still in the same position and other people (like me) came and went, all adding a personal touch to our future. The reason why I left is because I want to express my opinion too much to be directly related to the ƒoundation, and with such a great community they can really do without such a troublemaker like me Wink
I want to expatiate a bit on that troublemaker part, because the next part is on my own account. I feel like I am part of the resistance during a currency war that is currently taking place, where the average joe is a daily victim. I really take this shit way too serious, but I simply see a different future than most people around me, this has caused me to collide with allmost everybody who surrounds me. Let's just say I am quite radical and not afraid to use strong words. I don't mind telling people that I believe everybody who currently participates in a fiat pension scheme is a terrorist that acts out of egoism, even though I know it's mandatory for most people. I also frequently state that I believe that in 50 years we will look back at this time and blame our Dutch system for a lot and that I don't want to be a part of that system anymore. This extreme behaviour has caused that I got kind of abandoned by most people, that's ok though, I also came in contact with other people because of it, but I just want to make clear a lot has changed in my personal life.
I forgot to mention i quit my job some years ago because of reasons you can read above, I now earn my wage in EFL although that is not on paper, but you can imagine this is causing trouble with various institutions. I don't really feel like explaining myself over and over again, so when I found out about a new university that was being developed, I felt like I had to be a part of it, you can read it here:
https://bitcoinembassy.nl/bitcoin-embassy-supports-the-occupation-of-the-maagdenhuis-in-amsterdam/. I managed to get some interviews in the national newspapers and even had a couple of tv moments, one can be seen here and is from the dutch newsshow Studio PowNed
http://www.npo.nl/studio-powned/16-04-2015/POW_01043449 it runs from around 40 minutes
A follow up on the embassy article will be placed soon, but they are busy creating the national bitcoin congress, more info here:
https://bitcoinembassy.nl/event/nationaal-bitcoin-congres-2015/ so let's give them some time to do that. In this new article I wrote recently I will talk about my experience on living under an assembly style of descisionmaking, like how it's common in the occupy movement. After this experience I have decided to travel to Liberland ( liberland.org ) because I believe this is the place where I need to be. In the last month I've been preparing and next week I will go there to become a citizen. My ultimate goal is to fund the Liberland consulate in the Netherlands with the help of EFL. From this place The New Universities newuni.nl and my bank can have a secure place to develop further in peace. In order to reach my goals I will put videos online and write about why I do what I do and hopefully I will reach a huge crowd with it and get this coin to the next level.
In the meantime, development of EFL continues with the devteam who will make an announcement soon, but that's not my task to do. I hope you enjoyed reading and that this thread will get a lot of follow up posts, let's see what we can achieve with this coin together!