Kan iemand mij mogelijk helpen met dit probleem:
Ik probeer met CGminer te minen naar EFL, maar krijg de volgende melding:
[2019-10-09 09:21:08] Invalid config option --kernel: Cannot specify a kernel with scrypt
[2019-10-09 09:21:08] Started cgminer 3.7.2
[2019-10-09 09:21:08] Loaded configuration file cgminer.conf
[2019-10-09 09:21:08] Error in configuration file, partially loaded.
[2019-10-09 09:21:09] Probing for an alive pool
[2019-10-09 09:21:09] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 8192
[2019-10-09 09:21:09] Pool 3 difficulty changed to 2097152
[2019-10-09 09:21:09] Pool 4 difficulty changed to 2097152
[2019-10-09 09:21:09] Pool 2 difficulty changed to 2097152
[2019-10-09 09:21:09] Pool 3 difficulty changed to 256
[2019-10-09 09:21:09] Pool 2 difficulty changed to 256
[2019-10-09 09:21:09] Pool 4 difficulty changed to 256
[2019-10-09 09:21:10] Network diff set to 94
(5s):135.8K (avg):349.4Kh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:332.9/m
Weet iemand wat dat betekent? Na wat googlen kom ik niet veel verder...
Ik start CGminer met het commando:
cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://(IPADRES):3334 -u xxxx -p xxxxx -T