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Topics - DaveL

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e-Gulden discussie / Want to sell my EFL but not for current price
« Gepost op: 06 oktober 2014, 20:59:52 »

First off, I am sorry for posting english in a Dutch forum but could not find a Announcement thread on bitcointalk. I was trying to pump the coins price when it was first released and unfortunately got caught out when the original devs dumped out, so I am bagholding with what I imagine is less then 10 other users and the 1 person that is buying up all the coins on bittrex or keeping it from dying completely.

I just want to ask what is the chances of this coin being revived from death so I can get a better price on the 167000 coins I personally own. I feel it will be better in Dutch hands but not for this price. I am willing to accept 2000 satoshi for my coins. So pm me if interested.


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