Stichting e-Gulden Foundation / Re: Afspraak met Guldencoin devs
« Gepost op: 11 november 2014, 14:33:25 »
Is this meeting still on and will we get some feedback tonight or tomorrow?
Deze sectie stelt je in staat om alle bijdragen van dit lid te bekijken. Je kunt alleen de bijdragen zien waar je op dit moment toegang toe hebt.
I would suggest they dump Guldencoin and all the Dutch get behind EFL because it is bad to be divided. One currency is better then two that everyone can get behind in the Netherlands.
is that funny?
Ik vind dit een goed initiatief, ik had dit ook al aan Geert Johan voorgesteld.
Blij dat het er ook eindelijk van komt, hopelijk met een gunstige uitslag.
Grote dump in EFL vandaag, het lijkt erop dat het een NLG aanhanger is, want daar is op dezelfde tijd de prijs wat gestegen. Maarliefst 1% van al onze munten in omloop is zojuist in sterkere handen gekomen. Hopelijk mogen we deze week nog een keer zoveel munten vangen, maar zo'n verkoop kan je natuurlijk maar 1x doen en dan ben je de munten kwijt en zijn ze van de volgende. We houden het in de gaten!
Nothing goes up forever. All you do is push the price up, sell the Efl at a higher price and then buy more efl at a lower price. You make btc off other people and you can get the same amount of EFL back at lower prices. The main thing is to make bitcoin out of people. That is what we are all here for.
When you push the price up, you are a buyer, not a seller. Once you start selling you'll notice there are no sellers left. You just bought them.
I take it this was EFLs first pump and dump since the community took over? One suggestion to make the next pump even better is PM some of the pump groups on bitcointalk and ask them to get in on the action. They will be able to help push the price over 7k next time. Also if you guys can control 90% of the coins you can manipulate and control the market a lot more like central banks. It will just mean being patient but don't be scared to baghold a lot of coins and take them off the market. EFL could turn out to be one of the best pump and dump coins ever seen.
I understand pump but what's the point of dump?
Thank you for your opinion greenleaf. We are just working with the 7 of us and nobody really asks a question about what we are doing, so you just lose faith because we don't post on bitcointalk, just give those cheap coins to us, I really don't mind buying 140.000 times below fair value. Just promise me to not be a crybaby, telling us that it's all not fair when we are 1 euro a piece. You have had enough time to get in.